Your masterpeice

In reality, all men are sculptors, constantly chipping away the unwanted parts of their lives trying to create their idea of the masterpiece.

Eddie Murphy


When they say “You have your mother’s elegance”,

Then, I am just a moon reflecting the Sun’s radiance.

When they say “You have your father’s eloquence”,

Then, I am but a parrot miming rhetorical brilliance.


I’d rather be a meteorite, wry

blazing through the night sky.

I’d rather be a cuckoo, shy

crooning my own heart’s cry.


I am not extraordinary, just extra ordinary

I am all clumsy walks and quixotic talks

Credit me for the present I shape, the future I build

not my past, not my inheritance.



Beings are two

Those that make, few

Those that break, rue

Makers are two

Kingmakers, woo

Rainmakers, grow

Who are you?



North pole without South

does not, a magnet, make.

Work without passion

does not, a masterpiece, make.

Rights without duties

does not, a democracy, make.


Logic without emotion

does not, a human, make.

Power without compassion

does not, a hero, make.



Every radiant pearl was once a coarse grain of sand

until it chose to leave the sea bed and plunge into an oyster

Every majestic tree was once a garden variety seed

until it decided to drill into the earth and reach for the skies

Every great nation was once a bunch of silly notions

until it vowed to set itself apart with its body, soul and mind


Decision, Precision, Persistence

Pedestrian → Pedestal




Out to change the world

Late night assignments, senseless chats, utopian days

Last minute submissions, secret confessions, surprising declarations

Mass class bunking, epic clique wars, impromptu adventure trips

Parting friends, departing naivety, taking responsibility

Graduation day: The end of an era as we knew it

Time now for milky dependence to

make way for intoxicating independence


Out to conquer the world

Late night shifts, team meets, cafes and pizzas one too many

11th hour vacation cancellation, workaholic days, ambitious career plans

Late Sunday brunches, weekend laundry, impromptu shopping sprees

Parting PG buddies, departing individuality, accepting community

Wedding day: The end of yet another era as we know it

Time now for intoxicating independence to

make way for wholesome inter-dependence


The end of an era is but the beginning of a new epoch

The wheel of life is its own price, its own prize