
Lose yourself in the sands of your thoughts,

If you wish to reach the oasis of tranquility.

Drown into the depths of your emotions,

If what you seek is the isle of clarity.

Be consumed by your actions,

If Heaven is your destiny.



An iceberg floating aimlessly: a fallow mind

An iceberg posing deceptively: a fallen heart

An iceberg melting constantly: a failing spirit


An iceberg rising above the sea: a revived spirit

An iceberg melding into the sea: a giving heart

An iceberg poised at sea: a wise mind




Those steadfast little eyes seeing beyond mists of doubt

That quiet little voice singing calmly in the midst of chaos

Those diligent little hands praying in the most trying times

Those determined little feet walking toward higher ground


Love makes the world go round

Hope urges the world move forward

Faith keeps the world from falling apart